Pastinya udah banyak yang tahu tentang drama korea satu ini yang buat aku makin cinta sama Suzy :3 dan jatoh hati sama Lee Seung Gi, Ini drakor bener-bener bagus menurut aku soalnya jalan ceritanya enak, apalagi pemainnya keren. Langsung aja keburu basa basi busuk, cekidot -->
Detail serial drama (cr :
Judul : 구가의 서 (九家의 書) / Gugauiseo
Dikenal juga : Ancient Medical Book / The Writings of Nine Houses / Book of the House of Gu / Kang Chi, the Beginning
Genre: Fantasy, human, melodrama, historical, romance
Jumlah episode : 24
Jaringan Broadcast : MBC
Masa siaran : 2013-Apr-08 to 2013-Jun-25
A melodrama epic about the great deal of trouble Choi Kang Chi, born as a half-human-half-mythical-creature (or human werefox half-breed), who goes through in order to become human and a story of Choi Kang Chi's journey of struggling in order to live more like a human than anyone else despite not being able to become human.
Choi Kang Chi is the son of Gu Wol Ryung , the guardian spirit (werefox) of Jiri Mountain, and Yoon Seo Hwa , his human mother. He was raised by the Park family after having been picked up from the river. Due to customary restrictions of the era he is adopted by manager Choi instead, however Park Moo Sol takes on the role of being Kang Chi's main father figure. Kang Chi is an outspoken character who's full of curiosity. He realizes that he's a half-human-half-beast through a certain incident and starts living his second life.
Dam Yeo Wool is a master of martial arts and archery. Yeo Wool is an upright character who really values the Three Bonds and Five Relationships in Confucianism, and becomes an instructor at a martial arts center at a young age.
Eh iya maaf masih pake bahasa inggris , soalnya takut nenterjemahin jadi abal-abal an , Terjemahin sendiri yee :p
Episode 24 : Part 1 | Part 2
Profil Pemain Gu Family Book (
Lee Seung Gi As Choi Kang Chi
Profil Pemain Gu Family Book (
Lee Seung Gi As Choi Kang Chi
Name: 이승기 / Lee Seung Ki (Lee Seung Gi)
Profession: Singer, actor, MC
Birthdate: 1987-Jan-13
Birthplace: Korea
Height: 182cm
Weight: 70kg
Talent Agency: Hook Entertainment
Star sign: Capricorn
Education: Sang Gye High School, Dong Guk University
Skill: Fencing
Hobbies: Listening to music and soccer
TV Shows
You're All Surrounded (SBS, 2014)
Gu Family Book (MBC, 2013)
The King 2 Hearts (MBC, 2012)
The Greatest Love (MBC, 2011) cameo
My Girlfriend is a Nine-Tailed Fox (SBS, 2010)
Shining Inheritance (SBS, 2009)
Famous Princesses (KBS2, 2006)
Nonstop 5 (MBC, 2005)
TV Shows Theme Song
Last Word, Gu Family Book OST (MBC, 2013)
Losing My Mind, My Girlfriend is a Nine-Tailed Fox OST (SBS, 2010)
I Will Love You From Now On, My Girlfriend is a Nine-Tailed Fox OST (SBS, 2010)
2013 MBC Drama Awards:
- Top Excellence Actor Award - Miniseries (Gu Family Book)
- Most Popular Actor Award (Gu Family Book)
- Best Couple Award with Bae Suzy (Gu Family Book)
2010 SBS Drama Awards:
- Top Ten Stars Award (My Girlfriend is a Nine-Tailed Fox)
- Excellence Actor Award - Drama Special (My Girlfriend is a Nine-Tailed Fox)
- Best Couple Award with Shin Min Ah (My Girlfriend is a Nine-Tailed Fox)
2010 Seoul International Drama Awards:
- Most Popular Actor Award (Shining Inheritance)
2010 46th Baeksang Arts Awards:
- Popularity Award (Shining Inheritance)
2009 SBS Drama Awards:
- Excellence Actor Award - Special Planning Drama (Shining Inheritance)
- Top Ten Stars Award (Shining Inheritance)
- Best Couple Award with Han Hyo Joo (Shining Inheritance)
2009 Mnet 20's Choice Awards:
Hot Male Drama Star (Shining Inheritance)
2008 KBS Entertainment Awards :
Most Popular for 1 Night 2 Days
Fakta Lee Seung Gi (
1. Seung Gi merupakan anak pertama dari dua bersaudara (dia hanya punya 1 adik perempuan)
2. AIREN adalah official fansclub Seung Gi, nama itu diambil dari bahasa mandarin yang artinya “orang yang dicintai”
3. PEARLMINT adalah warna official fansclub Seung Gi
4. Media sering memanggil Seung Gi dengan sebutan “King of Rating” atau “Emperor Seung Gi’ karena acara/drama yang dibintanginya memiliki rating tinggi.
5. Panggilan media yang lain adalah “Triple Crown” karena dianggap sukses di 3 bidang ( menyanyi, acting dan variety show )
6. Lee Seung Gi sangat mahir memainkan beberapa alat musik, diantara nya gitar dan piano.
7.Selain bahasa Korea, Seung Gi juga menguasai bahasa Jepang dan Inggris. Dia juga mampu membaca aksara Cina.
8.Seung Gi pernah berpacaran 2 kali, pertama sewaktu SMP dan kedua sewaktu SMA sebelum debut
9. Seung Gi adalah kakak kelas Gikwang dan Yoseob B2ST sewaktu di SangKye Highschool
10. Walaupun sibuk Seung Gi bisa meraih gelar S1 tepat waktu ( 4 tahun ) dan mendapatkan special achievement dari kampus nya
11. Sekarang Seung Gi sedang menyelesaikan kuliah S2 nya dijurusan Trade Theory and Finance.
12. Seunggi mendapat julukan “heodang” dari Kim-C di acara 1 night 2 days, kurang lebih artinya adalah orang yang memiliki perilaku atau pemikiran yang aneh bahkan terkadang lemot.
13. Seung Gi tidak bisa memasak, tapi dia berjanji kalau nanti punya pacar akan memasak untuk pacarnya dan sekarang dia sedang giat-giatnya belajar memasak
14. Seung Gi sangat menjaga privasi terutama seputar masalah keluarga. Dia tidak ingin media meliput tentang keluarganya
15. Seung Gi tidak mempunyai akun di twitter, facebook, me2day, atau jejaring social lainnya. Dia hanya mempunyai official website yaitu
16. Seung Gi mengaku dia jarang menulis message di website nya bukan karena dia sibuk melainkan karena dia gaptek masalah komputer
17. Seung Gi sempat mempunyai akun twitter @sbschadaewoong untuk update/promosi drama My Girlfriend is Gumiho. Namun akun tersebut telah dihapus setelah drama berakhir.
18. Seung Gi hobi mendengarkan music, sepak bola dan baru-baru ini tertarik dengan dunia fotografi
19. Seung Gi pernah 2 kali menjadi ketua OSIS sewaktu SMP dan SMA.
20. Seung Gi paling tidak tahan dibuat geli/dikelitiki dan paling takut hantu.
21. Seung Gi mengaku hanya menyimpan 3 no HP selebritis wanita, yaitu: Han Hyo Joo, Shin Min Ah, Moon Chae Won
22. Seung Gi punya keinginan masuk wajib militer sebelum usia 30 tahun
23.Seung Gi ingin pengantin wanitanya kelak berpakaian tertutup dan tradisional. Karena Seung Gi tidak mau orang lain melihat istrinya berpakaian terbuka
24.Seung Gi termasuk orang yang percaya love at the first sight
25.Tingkat toleransi Seung Gi terhadap alcohol cukup tinggi sehingga dia tidak mudah mabuk dan dia juga tidak merokok
26. Seung Gi benci terhadap nyamuk, namun ironis nya dia dulu sempat memakai nickname “mogi seunggi” yang artinya “nyamuk seunggi”
27. Pada masa training dan awal-awal debut menjadi penyanyi Seung Gi sempat cukup lama tidak diperbolehkan memakai handphone.
Suzy As Dam Yeo Wol
Name: 수지 / Suzy
Real name: 배수지 / Bae Soo Ji (Bae Su Ji)
Profession: Singer, actress
Birth Place: Gwangju, South Korea
Birthdate: 1994-Oct-10
Star sign: Libra
Height: 168cm
Weight: 47kg
Blood type: AB
Family: Younger brother
Talent agency: JYP Entertainment, AQ Entertainment
Education: Seoul Arts High School
KPOP group: Miss A (vocalist)
Twitter : @ missA_suzy
TV Shows
You Who Came From the Stars (SBS, 2013) cameo
Gu Family Book (MBC, 2013)
Big (KBS2, 2012)
Dream High 2 (KBS2, 2012) cameo
I Need a Fairy (KBS2, 2012) cameo
Human Casino (KBS2, 2011)
Dream High (KBS2, 2011)
TV Shows Theme Songs
Don't Forget Me - Gu Family Book OST (2013)
I Still Love You - Big OST (2012)
You're My Star - Dream High 2 OST (2012)
So Many Tears - Me Too, Flower! OST (2011)
Winter Child - Dream High OST (2011)
Dream High with Taecyeon, Kim Soo Hyun, Wooyoung, JOO - Dream High OST (2011)
Architecture 101 (2012)
2013 MBC Drama Awards : Female High Excellence Award for Mini-series
2013 MBC Drama Awards : Best Couple with Lee Seung Gi (Gu Fmaily Book)
2013 Korean Advertisers Association : Best Model Awards
2013 8th Seoul International Drama Awards: Outstanding Korean Drama Actress (Gu Family Book)
2013 Mnet 20′s Choice Awards: 20′s Drama Star - Female (Gu Family Book)
2012 KBS Drama Awards: Popularity Award (Big)
2012 33rd Blue Dragon Film Awards: Popular Star Award (Architecture 101)
2012 48th Baeksang Arts Awards: Best New Movie Actress Award (Architecture 101)
2011 KBS Drama Awards: Newcomer Actress Award (Dream High)
2011 KBS Drama Awards: Best Couple Award with Kim Soo Hyun (Dream High)
1. IU menyukai apapun tentang Suzy. Ia mengatakan Suzy adalah wanita tercantik diantara semua penyanyi dan suzy mempunyai semua yang ia mau. Kulit putih, hidung bagus, tubuh tinggi, dan eyesmile.
2. Mempunyai grup 94 line bersama dengan Krystal&Sulli f(x), Jiyoung KARA, Sohyun 4Minute
3.Member yang paling sering tidak memakai make-up pada saat di bandara. Dan tetap terlihat cantik alami
4. Wooyoung 2PM mem-vote suzy sebagai "The Beautiful Voice"
5. Joongki bilang Suzy adalah orang yang cantik.
6. "Saya iri dengan Suzy karena begitupopuler di kalangan cowok. Apa yang harussaya lakukan untuk menjadi begitu populer seperti Suzy dengan lawan jenis "- SNSD Sunny
7. Suzy pernah nyanyiin lagu 'Winter Child' di bandara buat fansnya begitu dia tau kalau hari itu adalah hari ulang tahunnya
8. Suzy iri dengan tubuh Min. Yang tinggi dan beratnya sangat pas menurut dia
9. Di suatu acara, suzy jg prnh mengaku didepan Wooyoung kalau dia menyukai wooyoung. Dan wooyoung membalas "ah ada2 saja adiku ini"
10. Suzy mempunyai kaki yang besar, dan kadang-kadang suzy susah mendapatkan ukuran sepatu yang pas untuk dia
11. Hyunwoo memuji Suzy karena kulitnya yang bagus, dan tetap cantik walau tanpa make up di "Invincible Youth"
12. Suzy nggak bisa melihat debut Min di movie "Countdown" karena Suzy masih dibawah umur
13. Suzy bilang "I may look cute, but actually I'm not cute at all"
14. Ji Hyun Woo bilang kulit Suzy sangat mempesona. Dan ia terkejut ketika mengetahui suzy masih muda namun terlihat dewasa
15. Memiliki kebiasaan aneh ketika sedang tidur. Bahkan pernah mengirimkan sms ke orang lain ketika ia sedang tertidur. Berteriak ketika tidur, dll
16. Ia adalah tipe idealnya Heo Kyung Hwan, U-KISS Dongho dan FT Island Jaejin. Infinite Myungsoo, Teen Top Ricky, B1A4 Jinyoung dan CNU juga mengatakan mereka tertarik dengan Suzy
Lee Sung Jae as Jo Gwan Wong
Name: 이성재 / Lee Sung Jae (Yi Seong Jae)
Profession: Actor
Birthdate: 1970-Aug-23
Height: 180cm
Weight: 72kg
Star sign: Virgo
Blood type: B
Talent agency: Koom Entertainment
Education: Dongguk University (Film major)
Hobby: Swimming
Specialty: Impersonation
The Strange Housekeeper (SBS, 2013)
Gu Family Book (MBC, 2013)
Rascal Sons (MBC, 2012)
A Wife's Credentials (JTBC, 2012)
Poseidon (KBS, 2011)
The Lawyers of The Great Republic Korea (MBC, 2008)
Stranger than Paradise (SBS, 2006)
Lie (KBS2, 1998)
Beyond the Horizon (지평선 너머) (SBS, 1998)
Yesterday (MBC, 1997)
Best Theater - The Love of Two Women (두 여자의 사랑) (MBC, 1995)
Oldest Sister (큰 언니) (MBC, 1994)
Song of Strings (2013)
Natalie (2010)
On the Pitch/Dreams Come True (2010)
The Mafia, The Salesman (2007)
Daisy (2006)
Holiday (2006)
Shinsukki Blues (2004)
Dance With The Wind (2004)
Ice Rain (2004)
Public Enemy (2002)
Kick the Moon (2001)
A Day (2001)
Barking Dogs Never Bite (2000)
Attack the Gas Station! (1999)
Ghost in Love (1999)
Art Museum by the Zoo (1998)
2000 36th Baeksang Arts Awards: Popularity Award ("Attack the Gas Station")
1999 20th Blue Dragon Film Awards: Best New Actor ("Art Museum by the Zoo")
1999 36th Grand Bell Awards: Best New Actor ("Art Museum by the Zoo")
1999 7th Chunsa Film Art Awards: Best New Actor ("Art Museum by the Zoo")
1999 Film Critics Awards: Best New Actor ("Art Museum by the Zoo")
1999 35th Baeksang Arts Awards: Best New Actor ("Art Museum by the Zoo")
Jo Sung Ha as Dam Pyung Jon
Name: 조성하 / Jo Sung Ha
Profession: Actor
Birthdate: 1966-Nov-05
Star sign: Scorpio
Talent agency: HB Entertainment
Education : Seoul Institute of the Arts - Theater
Religion : Roman Catholicism
TV Shows
Wang's Family (KBS2, 2013)
Gu Family Book (MBC, 2013)
IRIS II (KBS2, 2013)
Korean Peninsula (TV Chosun, 2012)
Romance Town (KBS2, 2011)
Paradise Ranch (SBS, 2011)
My Princess (MBC, 2011) cameo
Flames of Ambition (MBC, 2010)
Sungkyunkwan Scandal (KBS2, 2010)
Chuno (KBS2, 2010)
Wife and Woman (KBS2, 2008)
Dae Wang Sejong (KBS2, 2008)
Hwang Jin Yi (KBS2, 2006)
I'll Love You Until Death (죽도록 사랑해) (MBC, 2003)
The Suspect (2013) - NIS director Kim Seok-ho
Commitment (2013) - Colonel Moon Sang-chul
Pluto (2013)
Circle of Crime - Director's Cut (2012)
R2B: Return to Base (2012) - Choi Byung-kil
A Millionaire on the Run (2012) - Han Sang-mu
Helpless (2012) - Kim Jong-geun
Sunday Punch (2011) - co-president Choi
Always (2011) - section chief Choi
Bleak Night (2011) - Gi-tae's father
The Yellow Sea (2010) - Tae-won
The Recipe (2010) - Park Min / Park Gu
The Murderer (2010)
She Came From (2010)
The Executioner (2009)
Short! Short! Short! (2009)
My Friend and His Wife (2006)
Who's That Knocking At My Door? (2007)
The Elephant On The Bike (2007)
Fly, Daddy, Fly (2006)
The Bad Utterances (2006)
The Peter Pan Formula (2006)
Bewitching Attraction (2006)
Running Wild (2005)
Art of Fighting (2005)
Never to Lose (2005)
Feathers in the Wind (2004)
Spider Forest (2004)
Volcano High (2001)
Huaaah bejibun yee :o
Variety Shows
이야기 속 이야기 사건.사람.현상 (MBC, 2013)
아이시떼르 (2007)
Don Quixote (1994)
West Side Story (1991)
2013 KBS Drama Awards: Excellence Award, Actor in a Serial Drama (Wang's Family)
2012 20th Korean Culture and Entertainment Awards: Excellence Award, Actor in a Film (Helpless)
2012 16th Puchon International Fantastic Film Festival: It Star Award
2011 48th Grand Bell Awards: Best Supporting Actor (The Yellow Sea)
Yoo Yun Suk as Park Tae Seo
Name: 유연석 / Yoo Yun Suk (Yu Yeon Seok)
Real name: 안연석 / Ahn Yun Suk
Profession: Actor
Birthdate: 1984-Apr-11
Height: 183cm
Weight: 73kg
Talent agency: King Kong Entertainment
TV Shows
Reply 1994 (tvN, 2013)
Gu Family Book (MBC, 2013)
What is Mom (MBC, 2012)
Tasty Life (SBS, 2012)
Late Night Hospital (MBC, 2011)
Pure Pumpkin Flower (SBS, 2010)
Running (MBC, 2010)
Soul (MBC, 2009)
Dream (SBS, 2009)
General Hospital 2 (MBC, 2008)
TV Theme Song
Only Feeling You, Reply 1994 OST with Jung Woo, Son Ho Joon
The Royal Tailor | Sanguiwon (2014) - king
Secret Temptation | Eunmilhan Yoohok (2014) - Sung-Yeol
Informant | Jeboja (2014)
Hwayi | Hwayi : Gwimuleul Samkin Ahyi (2013) - Director Park Ji-Won
Born To Sing | Jeonguk Noraejarang (2013) - Dong-Soo
A Werewolf Boy | Neukdae Sonyeon (2012) - Ji-Tae
Horror Stories | Mooseowon Iyagi (2012) - kidnapper
Two Weddings And a Funeral | Du Bunui Gyulhonsikgwa Han Bunui Jangryesik (2012) - Suk's younger brother
Architecture 101 | Geonchukhakgaeron (2012) - Jae-Wook (past)
Hoya | Yeolyeodeolb, Yeolahob (2012) - Ho-Ya
Moscow | Yang Han Mari, Yang Du Mari (2011)
Re-encounter | Hyehwa, Dong (2010) - Han-Soo
A Mercy Killing (2008)
Old Boy (2003)
Variety Show
Cats and Dogs (tvN , 2012)
Lee Yoo Bi as Park Chung Jo
Name: 이유비 / Lee Yoo Bi
Real Name: 이유진 / Lee Yoo Jin
Profession: Actress
Birthdate: 1990-Nov-22
Height: 166cm
Star sign: Sagittarius
Blood type: B
Family: Mother/actress Kyun Mi Ri
Talent agency: SidusHQ
Education: Ehwa Women's University
Real Name: 이유진 / Lee Yoo Jin
Profession: Actress
Birthdate: 1990-Nov-22
Height: 166cm
Star sign: Sagittarius
Blood type: B
Family: Mother/actress Kyun Mi Ri
Talent agency: SidusHQ
Education: Ehwa Women's University
Gu Family Book (MBC, 2013)
Nice Guy (KBS2, 2012)
Vampire Idol (MBN, 2011)
2013 2nd Daejeon Drama Festival - APAN Star Awards: Newcomer Actress Award (Gu Family Book)
Sung Joon as Gon
Name: 성준 / Sung Joon (Seong Jun)
Real name: 방성준 / Bang Sung Joon
Profession: Actor, model
Birthdate: 1990-Jul-10
Height: 187cm
Talent agency: O& Entertainment
Twitter : @six2k
TV Shows
I Need Romance 3 (tvN, 2014)
Gu Family Book (MBC, 2013)
Can We Get Married? (JTBC, 2012)
Drama Special - Swamp Ecology Report (KBS2, 2012)
Shut Up Flower Boy Band (tvN, 2012)
Lie to Me (SBS, 2011)
White Christmas (KBS2, 2011)
Personal Preference (MBC, 2010) cameo
TV Shows Theme Song
Love is Smiling - I Need Romance 3 OST (2014)
Wake Up - Shut Up Flower Boy Band OST (2012)
Jaywalking - Shut Up Flower Boy Band OST (2012)
Word's You Shouldn't Know - Shut Up Flower Boy Band OST (2012)
Today - Shut Up Flower Boy Band OST (2012)
Horror Stories II (2013)
Pluto (2012)
Dangerously Excited (2011)
Love is a Crazy Thing (2005)
2012 KBS Drama Awards: One Act Special Award, Actor (Drama Special - Swamp Ecology Report)
Variety Shows
Show! K Music (MBN, 2011)
Choi Jin Hyuk as Wol Ryung
Name: 최진혁 / Choi Jin Hyuk
Previously known as: 김태호 / Kim Tae Ho
Profession: Actor
Birthdate: 1985-Feb-09
Height: 186cm
Weight: 80kg
Star sign: Aquarius
Talent agency: Red Brick House
TV Shows
Fated to Love You (MBC,2014)
Grandpas Over Flowers Investigation Team (tvN, 2014)
Emergency Couple (tvN, 2014)
The Heirs (SBS, 2013)
Gu Family Book (MBC, 2013)
Panda and Hedgehog (Channel A, 2012)
My Daughter the Flower (SBS, 2011)
I Need Romance (tvN, 2011)
It's Okay, Daddy's Girl (SBS, 2010)
Pasta (MBC, 2010)
Hometown Legends (KBS2, 2009)
My Precious Child (KBS2, 2008)
Hometown Legends (KBS2, 2008)
Belle (KBS1, 2007)
Just Run! (KBS, 2006)
Rainbow Romance (MBC, 2006)
TV Shows Theme Songs
Scent of a Flower, Emergency Couple OST (2014)
Don't Look Back, The Heirs OST (2013)
Best Wishes to You (Acoustic Ver.), Gu Family Book OST (2013)
Love Hedgehog, Panda and Hedgehog OST (2012)
Enough to Die, It's Okay, Daddy's Girl OST (2010)
The Divine Move as Sun soo
Beginning of a Dream (short film, 2013) as Kim Jun-su
Tone-deaf Clinic / Love Clinique (2012) as Min-soo
2013 SBS Drama Awards: New Star Award (The Heirs)
2013 2nd Daejeon Drama Festival - APAN Star Awards: Newcomer Actor Award (Gu Family Book)
2006 Style Icon Awards : Best K-Style Awards
2006 KBS Survival Star Audition : Grand Prize (daesang)
Lee Yeon Hee as Yoon Seo Hwa
Name: 이연희 / Lee Yun Hee (Lee Yeon Hui)
Profession: Actress and model
Birthdate: 1988-Jan-09
Birthplace: Bundang, Seoul, South Korea
Height: 169cm
Weight: 46kg
Blood type: B
Star sign: Capricorn
Family: Two older sisters and younger brother
Talent agency: SM Entertainment
Education: Bun Dang High School, Chung Ang University (Acting degree)
Hobbies: Movies, reading, listening to music
Specialty: Swimming and singing
Religion: Protestant
TV Shows
Miss Korea (MBC, 2013)
Gu Family Book (MBC, 2013)
Ghost (SBS, 2012)
Paradise Ranch (SBS, 2011)
East of Eden (MBC, 2008)
U-Turn (OCN, 2008)
One Fine Day (MBC, 2006)
Resurrection (KBS2, 2005)
My Lovely Family (KBS1, 2004)
Sea God (KBS2, 2004)
Marriage Blue (2013)
Kwon Bob / The Art of Fist Duel (2012)
My Way (2011)
Soonjeonh Manhwa / Hello Schoolgirl (2008)
My Love (2007)
M (2007)
A Millionaire's First Love (2006)
2008 5th Max Movie Awards : Best Newcomer Award (M)
2008 31st Golden Cinematography Awards : Best New Actress Award (M)
2008 MBC Drama Awards: Best New Actress Award (East of Eden)
2008 MBC Drama Awards: Popularity Award (East of Eden)
2008 MBC Drama Awards: Best Couple Award with Song Seung Hun (East of Eden)
Kim Hee Won as So Jung
Name: 김희원 / Kim Hee Won (Kim Hui Won)
Profession: Actor
Birthdate: 1973-Jan-10
Height: 180cm
Star sign: Capricorn
Talent agency: Oracle Entertainment
TV Shows
You Who Came From the Stars (SBS, 2013)
Monstar (Mnet, 2013)
Gu Family Book (MBC, 2013)
Do You Know Taekwondo? (KBS2, 2012)
Late Night Hospital (MBC, 2011)
I'm a Butterfly (KBS2, 2010)
Oh! My Lady (SBS, 2010)
Revolver Gangsters' Gang (2010)
Lady Daddy (2009)
Fortune Salon / Cheongdambosal (2009)
Running Turtle (2009)
Scout (2007)
Underground Rendez-vous (2007)
Miracle on 1st Street (2006)
Uhm Hyo Sup as Park Moo Sol
Name: 엄효섭 / Uhm Hyo Sup (Eom Hyo Sub)
Profession: Actor
Birthdate: 1966-Oct-24
Star sign: Scorpio
TV Shows
Big Man (KBS2, 2014)
Wild Chives and Soy Bean Soup: 12 Years Reunion (JTBC, 2014)
You Who Came From the Stars (SBS, 2013)
Two Weeks (MBC, 2013)
Empire of Gold (SBS, 2013)
Gu Family Book (MBC, 2013)
Nine: Time Travel Nine Times (tvN, 2013)
School 2013 (KBS2, 2012)
Golden Time (MBC, 2012)
Queen In Hyun's Man (tvN, 2012)
Feast of the Gods (MBC, 2012)
Syndrome (JTBC, 2012)
The Princess' Man (KBS2, 2011)
The Peak (MBC, 2011)
Warrior Baek Dong Soo (SBS, 2011)
Three Men (tvN, 2009)
Queen Seon Deok (MBC, 2009)
In-Soon is Pretty (KBS2, 2007)
H.I.T (MBC, 2007)
Private Eye (2009)
Marine Boy (2009)
May 18 (2007)
Romance (2006)
Possible Changes (2005)
Springtime (2004)
Double Agent (2003)
One Fine Spring Day (2001)
Yoo Dong Geun as Jenderal Lee Soon Shin
Name: 유동근 / Yoo Dong Geun (Yu Dong Geun)
Profession: Actor
Birthdate: 1956-Jun-18
Birthplace: Goseong, Kangwondo, South Korea
Height: 177cmWeight: 72kg
Star sign: Gemini
Blood type: AB
Family: Wife/actress Jun In HwaProfession: Actor
Birthdate: 1956-Jun-18
Birthplace: Goseong, Kangwondo, South Korea
Height: 177cmWeight: 72kg
Star sign: Gemini
Blood type: AB
Ini ahjussi udah berpengalaman banget di dunia enteraiment, ntar kalo tak 'copas' dari wikipedia buanyak bener itu aja ye.